Make sure your aluminum fence is yours. Check your deeds for help. Reliefs are transitional rights granted to owners or other utilities that can limit the design and location of your fence. Confirm the location of the underground utility. 

Check local zoning laws, which can govern the size and location of your fence. Check with your ward association before proceeding with your plans. If necessary, apply for the correct building permit according to local regulations. You can ‘install frost fence via’ (also known as ‘installer une clture antigel via’ in the French Language). 

How to Decide on the Best Fencing Materials

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Aluminum fences are available in panels and bars of different heights. You can get fences for decorative purposes or install them to let animals in or out.

Establish your fence line by ensuring aluminum fences are offset from property lines according to local regulations. The concrete base should be below the freezing line in the area where the soil will freeze. This can lead to "lifting" of the column.

The bar itself must not be below the freeze limit for proper installation. Mix the concrete for the posts on the dry side to make the posts harden faster and provide additional support in installing the aluminum fence sections. If it takes less than one piece to complete the fence line, use a hacksaw to cut it to size.

Cut the end of the horizontal rail to fit the ladder. Use the factory quote as a guide. All screws in the fence and post sections must be attached to the same side. Discuss your plans with any neighbors whose property sits next to your proposed fence line.