Anyone who is seriously interested in studying the Bible has to join a Bible study group. You can study the Bible on your own if you really want to, but if you want to get some feedback and opinions of others, group Bible studies are one way to get the most out of studying Christianity.

If you join a Bible study group that is only interested in gossip churches or seem to have a certain agenda that does not suit you, ditch this particular group as fast as you can and find another one whose main purpose is to really study the Bible.

Keep one thing in mind while you are studying the Bible, Jesus did not write anything in the Bible, and because he is a key figure of Christian, do not get too involved in the teachings of the Bible. You can get the best biblical event poster via online sources.

Using the Bible against LGBTQ+ people is an abuse of scripture

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Jesus had some very important messages and most Christians seem to forget about them. Love thy neighbor and love your enemies and to help others who are less fortunate than yourself. This should be your primary goal as a Christian.

If everyone in your Bible study group agrees on the same thing and no one ever questions anything, this might not be the best Bible group. Sometimes a bit of friction can stimulate your group to really start thinking instead of listening.

If one person dominates the group Bible study you, this would not be very good either and it could easily lead to the atmosphere of the class type rather than the group are serious about getting into the nuts and bolts Christian with questions they want to answer for themselves, and this can not happen if there is another agenda of the dominant type of personality.