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Tag: dental implants

The Benefits of Dental Implants: A Comprehensive Guide

Dental implants are prosthetic devices that are surgically implanted into the jaw bone to replace missing teeth. They provide a permanent and natural-looking solution to tooth loss and offer numerous benefits that make them an attractive option for many people. If you want to get a dental implant then you may visit The Smile Suite.

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Functional Benefits

Dental implants offer the closest possible replacement for real teeth, providing a secure and stable base for a dental prosthetic. This allows them to function just like real teeth, restoring a person’s ability to chew and speak normally. Additionally, dental implants have been shown to reduce bone loss in the jaw, preventing the facial sagging that can occur when the jawbone is not stimulated by tooth roots. 

Aesthetic Benefits

Dental implants look and feel just like real teeth, allowing them to blend seamlessly with the other teeth in the mouth. In addition, dental implants are highly durable and resistant to wear and tear, ensuring that they will last for many years to come. This makes them a great long-term investment for people who want to improve their smiles.


Dental implants are designed to be a permanent solution to tooth loss, meaning that they do not require regular maintenance like other tooth replacement methods. This eliminates the need to replace dentures regularly, saving both time and money in the long run. Additionally, dental implants do not require special care and are easy to clean, making them a convenient option for busy people. 

Dental Implants In East Bentleigh – Why They Work?

Today we know that there are many different factors involved in the success of dental implants and osseointegration in general. Some of the most important factors are:

– The biocompatibility of the implant material – Titanium is a good material not so much because the body likes it, but because the body does not reject it. It does not tend to corrode like stainless steel. Biocompatibility is both a short-term and long-term consideration. 

– The implant surface: This continues to be one of the most researched areas to determine which coatings should be used in dental fixtures in East Bentleigh and how porous they should be to achieve the best osseointegration and long-term result.

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– The condition of the recipient bone tissue – Good bone health and good oral health in general have long been recognized as crucial factors for the success of dental implants. For this reason, bone grafts and restorations often precede the implant process when the recipient tissue is not in good condition.

– The surgical method of the implant – It is very important how and when the bone and surrounding tissue are surgically prepared to receive the implant. Excessive damage and disruption of bone tissue can decrease success rates. The topic of how many preparation steps are required to achieve the greatest success is also the subject of recent research, as one-step implant products/processes emerge.

– The load on the implant – Research is also continuing on the influence of the load (force) on the implant. The direction of the load is important and will vary depending on the position in the mouth.

Disruptive loading often leads to bone loss and eventually loss of dental implant stability. All aspects of loading, including whether it can or should be immediate, intermediate, or delayed for certain conditions, are still being explored in greater detail for their influence on successful outcomes.

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