The simple answer to this question is yes; companies big or small should hire an expert who can create a viable strategy for social media engagement. In a world that is increasingly becoming more social, having a dynamic presence in various online communities is a must.

A company's continued success can be determined by its ability to leverage different social tools for enhancing customer service, marketing, and sales. With the help of a competent consultant, this new business task can be made easier and more efficient. Social media adviser in Portland helps in meeting the needs of the people successfully. Seeing the popularity of the existing ones, there are many new social networks also emerging. 

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How to Find the Right Expert

The sad truth nowadays is that so-called social media experts are already a dime a dozen. In every corner of the Internet, you can find 'consultants' who will promise just about everything for your company. So here are the most crucial things that you need to look for when hiring a social media consultant.

1. Get a Consultant with Corporate Experience

A consultant cannot claim expertise in social online media if he or she does not have corporate experience. This is important because online strategies cannot be separated from the overall corporate goals and interests. 

2. Know the Strategies of Your Consultant

A real consultant will propose strategies that are in line with your company's goal. More importantly, your consultant should propose plans on how to use these tools to improve customer service, online marketing, and sales generation.